120x160cm Daydreaming in Kyoto. Ink, pigments, acrylic, oil, collage on canvas. 2017-504
120x120cm Winternight (Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau). Pigments, binder, oil on canvas. 2017-506
100x100cm Like a river, dreaming of the ocean. Pigments, binder, acrylic, oil on canvas. 2018-549.JPG
100x150cm My neurons in May. Inks, pigments, binder, oil on linen canvas. 2017-513
100x100cm Tears of joy. Pigments, binder on canvas. 2018-548
120x160cm The idea of water. Pigments, binder, oil on canvas. 2018-545
120x150cm Dancing in the rain. Pigments, mineral pigments, binder, oil on linen canvas. 2018-553
120x150cm Dancing in the rain. pigments, mineral pigments, binder, oil on linen canvas. 2018-553
120x160cm Sakura. Ink, pigments, oil on canvas.2017-499
Studio floor
120x160cm Kyoto in May. Ink, pigments, acrylic, oil on canvas. 2017-503.JPG
120x160cm Sakura. Ink, pigments, acrylic and oil on canvas.2017-500.JPG
120x120cm Daybreak in Zermatt, Switzerland. Ink, acrylic, pigments, oil on canvas. 2017-487
120x120cm Matterhorn in Winter. Ink, acrylic, oil on canvas. 2017-485
120x120cm Morning in Zermatt, Switzerland. Ink, acrylic, pigments, oil on canvas. 2017-483
141x171cm Lampedusa. Acrylic and oil on unstretched canvas. 2015-2016-434
120x160cm What we have (II). Oil on linen canvas. 2016-478
100x160cm What we have. Ink, acrylic, oil, OCP pigments. 2016-476
120x120cm Alpine summits Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau above the fog and refugees seeking safety. A+P. 2016-472
104x172cm Alive is enough. Ink, acrylic, oil, pigments. 2016-471
120x240cm All our lives. Ink, acrylic, oil and pigments. 2016-470
120x120cm Dawn above Montana. Acrylic, oil and Gofun. 2016-469
100x150cm Birth card (Born somewhere). Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2016-468
100x150cm Birth card (Born somewhere). Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2016-468
60x80cm Passerby with blue eyes. Acrylic on linen. 2015-453
60x80cm Daydreamer. Oil on linen canvas. 2016-463
100x150cm My neurons in May. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2016-460
120x160cm Birth of tomorrow. 2015-475
115x195cm The world without the tears. Ink, Acrylic, oil on canvas. 2015-454
120x150cm The idea of rain. Oil on canvas. 2013-343
100x150cm The idea of a sea (IV). Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2015-457
120x150cm The idea of a sea (III). Actylic and oil on canvas. 2015-456
120x150cm The idea of a sea (II). Collage japanese writing, ink, acrylic, oil on canvas. 2015-455.JPG
120x80cm (2 pannels) Pelican and waves. Acrylic and oil. 2014-417
50x60cm Birth of a rainbow. Oil on canvas.
60x70cm Monsoon night in Laos (2006)
100x100cm Inner source. Oil on canvas (2006)
100x150cm Psychanalysis of a kimono. Acrylic and oil on canvas.
120x150cm Calm. Acrylic+oil on canvas. 2015-448
120x150cm Bloom and die and bloom! Metal leaf,acrylic,oil.2015-449
100X100CM Forget yourself! Tribute to a drawing by Matisse. Oil. 2015-447
60x80cm Morning. Tribute Watanabe Seitei 1851-1918. Pigments, gofun, acrylic, oil on canvas. 2015-444
100x120cm DNA brainstorming about a new flower. Oil on canvas. 2011-307
100x150cm MadameButterfly. Oil on canvas. 2009-196
99x214cm Let it be. Ink, metal leaf, acrylic, oil on linen canvas. 2014-441
99x214cm Let it be. Metal leaf, ink, acrylic, oil on canvas. 2014-441
100x210cm Metaphysics of a broken branch. Metal leaf, ink, acrylic, oil on canvas. 2014-439
422 detail
100x210cm Two kingfishers. Ink, pigments, acrylic, oil on linen. 2014-422
100x210cm Two kingfishers. Ink, pigments, acrylic, oil on linen. 2014-442
120x150cm What are they so afraid of? (Marylin in a burqa) 2010-286
422 detail
60x80cm Kyoto. Acrylic, ink, oil on linen. 2014-422
studio floor
100x100cm Carpe diem. Acrylic, pigments, oil. 2014-433
70x70cm Alive! Acrylic, pigments on linen. 2014-339
70x70cm Just be! Acrylic, oil, pigments on linen. 2013-372
50x70cm Thinking, too! Acrylic. 2013-353
80x100cm Summer siesta. Acrylic. 2013-402
100x150cm In expectation of a better world. Acrylic, piments, oil. 2011-305
60x80cm Aloneness without loneliness. Acrylic, oil, pigments. 2013-383
40x50cm A woman at her window. Acrylic. 2013-397
50x70cm Summer siesta. Acrylic. 2013-399
60x80cm A new morning. Acrylic+oil+pigments on linen.2013-381
100x120cm Under the Gingko (06-73)
100x120cm Daring a nest in an imperfect world. 2011-302
80x80cm Rapture. Oil. (2006-45)
80x100cm Exuberant DNA (Japanese apple) (06-44)
80x80cm My neurons in May. Acrylic on canvas. 2014-443
65x80cm The lotus seller who’s daughter surfs on the internet. Oil on canvas. 2007-86
100x100cm A woman in May. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2014-415
100x120cm DNA brainstorming towards a new flower. Oil on linen canvas. 2014-402
50x100cm A kiss in the spring. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2013-400
60x80cm Polarities. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2013-376
100x100cm Life is so good! Acrylic and oil on linen. 2013-411
60x80cm Simple joy. Acrylic+oil+pigments on linen. 2013-368
60x80cm Being without having. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2013-392
80x80cm Singing in the rain. Acrylic+oil on canvas. 2014-410
80x100cm La penseuse (Thinking…too!) Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2013-394
50x100cm The two. Acrylic+oil on canvas. 2014-407
100x100cm Live your life. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2012-327
80x80cm The dreamer. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2013-350.
50x100cm Lovers in blue and gold. Acrylic+oil on canvas. 2014-408
120x150cm The essence of things. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2013-367
80x80cm A woman at the ocean. Acrylic on canvas. 2014-424
80x80cm Happiness from inside. Acrylic on canvas. 2013-354
120x150cm En amour! Oil on canvas.2007-96
120x150cm Monday morning on Earth. Acrylic, oil, pigments on canvas. 2014-430
80x80cm Taking in the blossoms. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 2014-416
80x100cm Imagination. Silk, ink, oil on linen canvas. 2011-309
50x50cm Gauguin’s pretty weak spot. Acrylic on canvas. 2014-426
120x150cm The world without the tears. Oil on canvas. 2010-246
60x80cm Little girl in Suzhou. Acrylic on canvas. 2014-427
100x100cm Guêpiers d’Europe. Acylic+Oil on canvas.2014-431
60x80cm Maiko with grey eyes. Acrylic on canvas. 2014-425
50x60cm A woman in the Spring. Acylic+Oil on canvas. 2013-352
80x80cm Being a girl. Acrylic on canvas. 2014-429
120x150cm The idea of a sea. Oil on canvas. 2010-279
80x100cm Penelope.Oil on canvas. 2007-129
80x100cm Half of the world. Oil on canvas. 2008-175
100x120cm La vie intérieure I 2006-52